Dr.Rev. Samuel was born in Suhag, in Southern Egypt in 1963. He grew up attending a village church several times a week. At the age of 15, he moved from the rural village to the urban area of Port Said next to the Suez Canal, where he became more actively involved in ministry, and where a small group of peers affirmed his gifts and encouraged him to consider a future full-time ministry. But it was not until he was 18 years-old when he first sensed God’s call to this service.
Upon completion of his secondary education, Samuel enrolled in the four-year Bachelor of Theology program at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC). There he learned many skills through his studies, but it was the lives and ministry of some of his teachers that shaped him even more. Following seminary, Samuel entered the pastorate in 1986 in the First Presbyterian Church in Al-Tayeeba, a village in Upper Egypt, where he was ordained in 1987, and served until he joined the teaching staff at ETSC in 1992.
God blessed his ministry in Al-Tayeeba Church with tremendous growth very quickly as he trained church leaders, and as he gained significant practical experiences, which has in turn greatly informed his teaching of courses on pastoral care and counseling at the seminary. He also offered numerous counseling sessions to students and sometimes to their wives as well. He is credited with founding the Relationships and Training Department at ETSC. He served as Vice President for Relationships and Training from 2010–2020. He was head of the Practical Theology Department from 2008 through 2018. He was also a member of the Academic Committee. From 2010 through 2020 he was a member of the Internal Affairs Committee. In July 2023 Samuel assumed the presidency of ETSC.
He also served as ETSC’s Vice President from 1998 through 2000.
He married Amgaad Samuel in 1990, and has a son and a daughter, Rofy is 26 years- old, and Lora is 20 one years-old.
Samuel is a member of the following associations
Synod of the Nile
Ministry Engagements outside of ETSC:
Lay-people Training in Presbyteries (since 2004)
Continuing Education for pastors (since 2004)
Teaching at Catholic Seminary (Principles of Counseling and Family Counseling, since 2011)
السحر والحسد (Superstition and Magic) (1992).
التعامل في دائرة الملكوت (Jesus and the Different Social Classes) (1995).
Guides Through Prayer (translation, 1996).
السحر والحسد في الكتاب المقدس(Magic and Jealousy in the Bible) (1999).
معًا على الطريق أنا والآخر (Accept One Another) (2000).
الرؤية في الكنيسة وحتمية التغيير (Vision in the Church and the Necessity of Change) (2003).
تجديد الفكر الديني في المسيحية (Renewal Thinking in Christian Religion) (2003).
من الضرب إلى الحوار(How to Raise Your Children) (2004).
المسيح القيادة الزعامة الخدمة(Servant Leadership) (2005).
التحديات والانتقادات في الخدمة الكنسية (Challenges and Criticism in Church Ministry) (2007).
تلاميذ متنوعون وشهادة واحدة (Different Disciples, One Witness) (2009).
سيكولوجية الخرافة (The Psychology of Magic and Superstition) (2009).
المرأة شيخًا وقسًا في الكنيسة (Ordaining Women as Elders and Ministers) (2011).
Pastoral Counseling Series:
1. ضوابط ومهارات في المشورة الراعوية (Principles of Counseling) (2009).
2. مشورة الأزمات (Crises Counseling) (2010).
3. مهارات المشير (The Skills of Counselor) (2012).
4. سعادتكم الزواجية مسئوليتكم(The Happiness of Your Marriage is Your Responsibly) (2013).
5. الترتيب الميلادي وأثره على نمط الشخصية (Birth of Order and its Effect on Personality). (2014).
Approaches and Theory of Pastoral of Counseling:
1. المشورة والصحة النفسية (Counseling and Mental Health: Support during Burn-Out) (2015).
2. المشورة بين المساندة والتغيير (Counseling between Supportive and Transformation). (2016).
3. المشورة والأخلاق “الضمير” (Counseling and Ethics: The Function of Conscience in People’s Life) (2017).
4. فنون المقابلة في المشورة (The Interview in Pastoral Counseling) (2018).
5. (Counseling and Emotional Intelligence). 2019
6. The book of Job. Understanding suffering and Pain psychologically and theological. 2020
10 عشرة مقالات في قضايا لاهوتية في التفسير المعاصر للكتاب المقدس(Articles in the Arabic Contemporary Commentary) (Forthcoming)
مباديء المشورة الراعوية (Principles of Pastoral Counseling): Distance- Learning Curriculum.
العائلة المسيحية (Building a Meaningful Christian Marriage): Distance-Learning Curriculum