[email protected] ✆ (+202) 26825680 - (+202) 26822162

Our Programs

Kairos Kids Program

A specially tailored curriculum designed for children aged between 6 to 14 years old, to teach and encourage them about missions.

Each lesson includes an exploratory Activity, a Bible Verse, a Game, a Challenge, a Prayer, a song, and a story about a Hero

Lesson Titles:

  1. The Great Story of God
  2. God’s Blessings for All Peoples
  3. Jesus Came for All Peoples
  4. Spreading the Great Story of God
  5. How Will Everyone Hear?
  6. The Great Story of God and You
  7. Building Bridges towards God
  8. Now Is the Time of the Great Story of God

Followed by an outreach organized by the children themselves, and a continuing plan for the whole church.

Perspectives Program

One of the most significant global tools for missions mobilizing for church members. Addressing four perspectives of mission ministry; Biblical, historical, cultural, and strategical.

Public Seminars

Church Responsibility towards community Issues

Aiming to develop a biblical worldview within the Christian community on care for the people as well as the planet, through theological and practical reflection of the current societal matters, on the levels of individuals, families, and churches. For the sake of helping the Church to become a role model and a transformative force in our society.

Building Bridges      June 21, 2023

Church Responsibility for Environmental Issues     September 2023

Local Churches Conferences

Aiming to assist local churches in addressing the issues of their communities, especially in underserved areas lacking various services, by developing an ambitious plan that implements possible solutions using the available local resources.

Training Topics:

  • The Importance of Holistic Development
  • Field Research Skills
  • Analysis of Local Resources and Problems
  • Action Plan for Implementing a Developmental Project
  • Implementing an on-ground Program serving the Area

Youth Training School

Training a group of young adults (university-aged, and fresh graduates) from local churches located close to the areas of need, on the concepts of missionary service, lived discipleship, and community service to reach underserved areas.

Training Topics:

  • Personal and spiritual formation
  • Teaching on missions, apologetics, and evangelism
  • Equipping for community services

Christian social services Diploma

A comprehensive academic program on the intellectual and practical levels, with biblical, and developmental dimensions.

Aims to:

-Shift Christians’ attitudes and views about the Church’s societal role, fostering collective awareness within an ecumenical context.

-Help the churches and ministries to develop and refine their tools and techniques for enhancing missionary and developmental services.

-Equips the Christian leaders with scientific and practical fundamentals, specially related to social responsibility

-Improves the efficacy of those involved in planning, leading, and implementing missions-driven developmental programs for underserved areas.

Researches and papers

About different community issues in the Egyptian society.

Field Researchers Training     September 21-22, 2023

Aims to make participants understand the value of field research, its purposes and procedures, and develop their skills in applying various research methodologies, different data collection tools, designing effective field survey questionnaires, and the requirements of the professional data collector.

Academic Conferences

First Conference: Digging into the Ancient Wells     July 2022

Second Conference: The Egyptian Church and Environmental Issues     November 2023