[email protected] ✆ (+202) 26825680 - (+202) 26822162

Our Strategies

Our Strategies

  • Research
    includes; conducting academic and field studies.
  • Training
    involves; organizing training courses and developing materials for missions and development initiatives.
  • Mobilizing
    focuses on; hosting seminars and providing awareness materials for spiritual and social services.

Our Goals

As a research center, we:

  • Conduct both academic and applied researches to identify societal phenomena.
  • Provide decision-makers with evidence-based solutions.
  • Provide a supportive environment for scholars in specialized fields.
  • Establish database of resources and connections to facilitate applied research.

As a training arm, we:

  • Offer courses to equip church leaders for for more effective missional strategies.
  • Develop curricula for missional and social ministries.
  • Assist churches in designing programs for addressing their local community needs.
  • Introduce church management concepts for more effective holistic ministry.

As a missional catalyst, we:

  • Mobilize churches and parachurch organizations to provide social services as a main pillar of the missionary aspects in our country.
  • Provide field service opportunities.
  • Empower churches for holistic mission work, extended to unreached areas.
  • Develop the capacity of churches’ calibers for mission and development fields.
  • Liaise with different partnership networks to support our mission.