[email protected] ✆ (+202) 26825680 - (+202) 26822162

Esther Shin

Office + 20-2-26825680 (x 1637) Cell +201281853449

Esther K. Shin

Pastoral and Practical Studies Department

Courses offered

Christian Education & Practical Theology

Theories of Learning for Christian Ministry

Worship and Education

Spiritual Formation

Final Research Paper/ Integrative Research Paper

She is interested in the spirituality of congregational leaders, bridging the academy and ministry and developing contextualized Christian education through her teaching. She offers courses for MDiv. & MAT programs.


  • She holds M.Div., M.A. in Christian Education, M.A. in Religion and Psychology, and Ph.D. in Christian Education. She also studied in the program of Art of Spiritual Direction.
  • Dissertation: “Narrative, Semoya Space and Christian Education: From Lived Stories to Living Stories.” Ph.D. Diss., Union Presbyterian Seminary, 2011.