Research includes; conducting academic and field studies.
Training involves; organizing training courses and developing materials for missions and development initiatives.
Mobilizing focuses on; hosting seminars and providing awareness materials for spiritual and social services.
Our Goals
As a research center, we:
Conduct both academic and applied researches to identify societal phenomena.
Provide decision-makers with evidence-based solutions.
Provide a supportive environment for scholars in specialized fields.
Establish database of resources and connections to facilitate applied research.
As a training arm, we:
Offer courses to equip church leaders for for more effective missional strategies.
Develop curricula for missional and social ministries.
Assist churches in designing programs for addressing their local community needs.
Introduce church management concepts for more effective holistic ministry.
As a missional catalyst, we:
Mobilize churches and parachurch organizations to provide social services as a main pillar of the missionary aspects in our country.
Provide field service opportunities.
Empower churches for holistic mission work, extended to unreached areas.
Develop the capacity of churches’ calibers for mission and development fields.
Liaise with different partnership networks to support our mission.
مواعيد المكتبة الجديده: من يوم الاثنين للخميس من الساعة التاسعة صباحًا حتى الساعة السابعة مساء، ويومى الجمعة والسبت حتى الساعة الخامسة مساءً والأحد إجازة